Investor CRM

An intelligent CRM
designed for fundraising

Using your network connections and historical data on venture investments, Metal provides actionable intelligence at every step of the fundraising process

Using Historical Data

Metal provides actionable intelligence for each deal in your pipeline

Creating Access

Deal intelligence to help
create access

Using insights into investment patterns of your existing investors and your LinkedIn/Gmail data, Metal uncovers people that you know or can easily access that can introduce you to a given target investor.

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Lead Candidates

Custom triggers to help focus on the right set of investors

Metal allows users to set customisable triggers to be notified whenever an investor is added to the pipeline that meets certain conditions.

Fit Assessments

Automated integrations to sync with your email and calendar data

CRM syncs with your email and calendar data via a simple mailbox connect. Users can then view all emails and calendar invites neatly stacked within the deal information.

How It Works

Add data columns to
understand investors in your pipeline

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Our Blog

Raising capital without
the blindfolds

By bringing efficiency, structure and intelligence to the fundraising process, Metal enables founders to avoid some of the biggest pitfalls in conventional fundraising


Understanding Sector and Geo Specialists


Targeting the “Most Likely” Investors


How Self-Reliant Founders Create Access