Intro Pathways

Identify warm intro paths quickly

Using historical data on venture deals, Metal identifies who within your network can introduce you to your target investors.

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Portfolio Founders

Identify the most relevant portfolio founders

Most investors have previously backed thousands of portfolio founders. Our platform integrates with your connections data to identify who you might know from a given investor’s portfolio of founders.

Existing Investors

Know what intros to ask from your existing investors

For each target investor on your list, Metal identifies companies in your existing investor's portfolio that have raised from your target investor.

Work Experience

Identify former colleagues that can make intros

Metal knows where your former colleagues now work. In many cases, the platform is able to identify which of your former colleagues can introduce you your target investors.

Portfolio Founders

Pathways via Portfolio Founders

If you know a VC-backed founder (John), the system will identify him as a potential intro pathways for all investors that he has raised capital from

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Existing Investors

Pathways via Existing Investors

If you have an existing investor (ABC Ventures), the system will identify them as a potential intro pathways for all investors that they have recently co-invested with

Invite Your Network

Invite your network and close contacts to supercharge intro pathways

You can invite a friend to your account such that they plug in their data and then their data starts powering your intro pathways

historical card image

Use close contacts to supercharge access

Our Blog

Raising capital without
the blindfolds

By bringing efficiency, structure and intelligence to the fundraising process, Metal enables founders to avoid some of the biggest pitfalls in conventional fundraising


Understanding Sector and Geo Specialists


Targeting the “Most Likely” Investors


How Self-Reliant Founders Create Access