
Use intelligence to prioritize the right investors

Metal provides detailed insights on investing patterns and behaviours to help founders understand when a given fund is most likely to invest

Capital Availability

Use fund size data to determine capital availability

Investors tend to be most active in deploying capital in the first few years of a fund’s lifecycle.

historical card image
Inclination to Lead Rounds

Understand existing and prospective investors

Less than 10% of all venture investors tend to lead rounds. The majority of institutional investors invest only when there are other investors willing to invest.

By understanding a given fund’s inclination to lead, founders can determine which investors to pursue at the very beginning of a round.

Investment Patterns

Use prior investment patterns to asses relevance

Some investors love SaaS products that sell into SMBs. Others do not. The prior investment patterns of a given fund are the biggest indicator of their inclination for a given stage, sector or geography.

Partner Intelligence

Identify the right partner at a target firm

Some partners invest only in late-stage deals while others like to focus on the earliest stages.

Some partners invest in a given sector while others invest across domains.

Recent Deals

Evaluate the types of recent deals

The most recent deals of a given investor are reflective of what interests them in the most recent times.

You can filter a given investor's recent deals to identify companies that are similar to yours.

Our Blog

Raising capital without
the blindfolds

By bringing efficiency, structure and intelligence to the fundraising process, Metal enables founders to avoid some of the biggest pitfalls in conventional fundraising


Understanding Sector and Geo Specialists


Targeting the “Most Likely” Investors


How Self-Reliant Founders Create Access